Cross frame communication

To enable cross frame communication, Siren Investigate exposes an object at window.sireninvestigate; due to the browser’s Content Security Policy, the object can be called only if both Siren Investigate and the container page are in the same domain.

Assuming the following:

  • Investigates runs at localhost:5606

  • The container app runs at localhost:3000

  • Your domain is

To serve both applications from the same domain:

  1. Install a reverse proxy in front of both applications.

  2. In the container app include an iframe to serve Investigate from

  3. Add server.basePath: "/siren" to investigate.yml and start it at localhost:5606.

  4. Configure the reverse proxy to serve the container app at the root path / ( to localhost:3000).

  5. Configure the reverse proxy to serve the Investigate app at the /siren path ( to localhost:5606), and also add a rewrite rule to this configuration to strip the /siren prefix from the URLs.


generateShortUrl(shareAsEmbed, displayNavBar)

Generates a shortened URL containing the current Siren Investigate state and returns a promise fulfilled with the URL.


  • shareAsEmbed: if set to true, the top navigation bar and dashboard tabs will be hidden when opening the shortened URL.

  • displayNavBar: if set to true, the dashboard tabs will not be hidden when sharedAsEmbed is set to true.

Sample usage:

Put the following code in the container page, replacing investigateframe with the ID of the frame in which Siren Investigate is embedded:

.generateShortUrl(true, true)
.then(function(url) {
  console.log("Generated URL: " + url);
.catch(function(error) {
  console.log("An error occurred while generating the URL");

If possible, you should purge old documents of type url from the .siren index periodically; old documents can be identified by looking at the createDate attribute.


Sets or updates the JWT token for the current session if JWT authentication support is enabled; returns a Promise after the token has been sent to the backend.


  • jwtToken: a base64 encoded JWT token.

Sample usage:

Put the following code in the container page, replacing investigateframe with the ID of the frame in which Siren Investigate is embedded:

.then(function() {
  console.log('JWT token set.');
.catch(function(error) {
  console.log('An error occurred setting the token.');

After the token is set, you can change the Siren Investigate URL and the user should be authenticated; the application should call the method again with an updated token before the current one expires.