Siren Investigate FAQ

How do you know what version of Siren Investigate is running?

From the app menu, click Management and see Investigate Version.

How do you know what version of Siren Federate is running?

From the app menu, click Management and see Federate Version.

What versions of Elasticsearch are compatible with this version of Siren Investigate or Federate?

How do you update the Siren Investigate license?

You can install, uninstall, upgrade, and check the expiry date of your license as follows:

From the app menu, click Management and select License.

To obtain a license, see Siren Trial Page.

How do you create new users and manage existing users?

New users are created outside of Siren Investigate by your administrator. Contact your administrator.

How do you access Siren Investigate logs?

The log destination is custom configured, contact your system implementer for advice.

For information about configuring logs, see Configuring Siren Investigate logging.