Using entity identifiers
An entity identifier (EID) is a virtual entity, which you can use to connect data sets by using a category that exists in the real world.
For example, if you have data on companies and investors, you can create an entity identifier for city, because both sets of data contain information about city locations. This can help with connecting some entities in the data model.
Creating entity identifiers
In the Data model app, below the list of entity tables is an area to list entity identifiers. Click Configure an Entity Identifier (the plus icon).
In the Entity identifier name field, enter a unique name.
Enter a short description.
Select an icon and a color to represent the EID.
Click Create.
The entity identifier now appears in the list.
Editing entity identifiers
The Info tab
The Info tab allows you to set the following properties:
Name: The name of the entity identifier.
Icon: Select an icon to depict the entity identifier.
Color: Select a color for the icon.
Short description: Enter a description of the entity identifier.
The Relations tab
The Relations tab allows you to define relations between entities:
Source entity: Select a Field.
Labels: Select or create a new label for each direction of the relation.
Target entity: Select a Search and a Field or select an entity identifier.
For more information, see Adding relations between entities.
The Data model graph
On the Data model graph tab, you can visualize the connected data in a graph to see how the entities and EIDs relate to one another.
The graph is not just a drawing, it is a schema of the relations (the connections between entities) that are configured on the Relations tab.
To remove an entity identifier, click Delete in the Options menu.