What’s new in Siren Platform 14.6

For a full list of improvements, fixes, and security enhancements, see the release notes.

Navigation history in the Record Viewer

Record Viewer now has a history. You can navigate back through the records you opened and resume your investigation from a previous step. You can see which records you navigated to from within the current Record Viewer and from previous Record Viewers. For more information, see Navigation History.

History in the Record Viewer

Record Action API

Create custom action scripts using the Record Action API. Apply the scripts in Siren Search settings and run the action scripts from the Action menu. For more information, see Records Actions API.

Action scripts

Pinning on graph

Pin nodes or groups so that their position is not changed by adding new nodes or by using the layout tools to rearrange the graph. Pinned nodes and groups can only be moved manually by dragging them to a new place on the graph. See Using the toolbar.

Pinning on the graph

Siren AI plugin

Use the Siren AI plugin to interact with LLMs from within Siren Investigate. You can use this to leverage the power of LLMs to do tasks such as generate reports from user-created graphs and customize UIs . See Siren AI.