Investigate 14.5.2
Added Reporting.markdownToDocxBlob which allows you to convert markdown content into a Blob in docx format.
Investigate 14.5.0
Core API
Added the SearchApp API, which allows you to open a Siren Search modal.
Added the Graph API, which allows you to search and add records to graphs.
Added the DataRecord.getEquivalentRecords() instance method that returns records considered equivalent by connected entity resolution tables.
Added the useEr option to DataRecord.getRawFieldValuesArray() and DataRecord.getFormattedFieldValuesArray() instance methods to include unique field values from all equivalent records.
Investigate 14.1.0
Added support for following properties in graphbrowser.updateItemsUI and graphbrowser.resetItemsUI apis -
Investigate 13.0.0
Visualization APIs (scripting interfaces 1.7.5)
Added new methods to Graph Browser visualization - graphbrowser.reCount, graphbrowser.entitiesWithNoCounts
Added returnOnlyNew flag to graphbrowser.expandByRelation api
Breaking change - graphbrowser.addNode api now needs an additional entity id parameter
Added new method to Graph Browser visualization - graphbrowser.updateItemsUI
Added new method to Graph Browser visualization - graphbrowser.resetItemsUI
Added new methods to Graph Browser visualization - graphbrowser.downloadGraphAsImage, graphbrowser.exportGraphToBlobURL
Added new method to Graph Browser visualization - graphbrowser.selectAll
Investigate 12.0.0
Core API
Added new methods to Dashboard - dashboard.getDashboardDataModelRootSearch, getDashboardDataModelTree,, dashboard.openModal
Added new method to all Visualizations- visualization.openModal
Visualization APIs (scripting interfaces 1.5.0)
Added new method to Scripted Panel visualization - scriptedpanel.renderReactElement
Added new methods to Graph Browser visualization - graphbrowser.invertNodesSelection, graphbrowser.extendNodesSelection, graphbrowser.findCommonCommunicators, graphbrowser.selectByEntityType, graphbrowser.findShortestPath, graphbrowser.selectByEdgeCount, graphbrowser.showNodeCountByType, graphbrowser.isNodeCombo, graphbrowser.sort, graphbrowser.createRecord, graphbrowser.viewRecord, graphbrowser.addOrEditLinks, graphbrowser.isHighlightEnabled, graphbrowser.isLiveFilterEnabled, graphbrowser.isDirectRelation, graphbrowser.isNodesSelectionEmpty, graphbrowser.isComboNodeInSelection, graphbrowser.isUndoable, graphbrowser.isRedoable, graphbrowser.isMapEnabled, graphbrowser.isTimebarEnabled, graphbrowser.isHeatmapEnabled, graphbrowser.isEditLinkEnabled, graphbrowser.isRecordViewEnabled
The signature of graphbrowser.expandByRelation sirenAPI function have been updated. The node ids and relations ids must be passed as parameters of the options object as
expandByRelation({ nodeIds, relationIds })
Investigate 11.1.0
Core API
Changed signature of following methods to be asynchronous dashboard.getDashboardDataModelSearchByTitle, dashboard.getDashboardDataModelSearchByNodeId
Please review your scripts. If they contain any browser-specific APIs or libraries which you would still like to use they must be whitelisted in investigate.yml configuration. For details see Enabling additional APIs
Added Revisions API with reviseRow method to sirenapi.Revisions.
Added SearchSource API to query against Search objects; SearchSource instance can be obtained by calling await search.getSearchSource() on the desired Search object.
You may fire a fetch request on a SearchSource object by calling await searchSource.fetch(). The state/body of a SearchSource object can be changed via following methods:
type, query, filter, sort, highlight, highlightAll, aggs, from, searchAfter, size, source, version, seqNoPrimaryTerm, inject
Visualization APIs (scripting interfaces 1.4.0)
Added new methods graphBrowser.crop graphBrowser.undo, graphBrowser.redo, graphBrowser.standardLayout, graphBrowser.hierarchicalLayout, graphBrowser.radialLayout, graphBrowser.groupSelectedNodes, graphbrowser.ungroupSelectedNodes, graphBrowser.removeSelected, graphbrowser.invertRelations, graphbrowser.highlight, graphbrowser.toggleLiveFilter, graphbrowser.toggleTimebar, graphbrowser.toggleMap, graphbrowser.heatmap, graphbrowser.showNodesWithoutTime, graphbrowser.saveGraph, graphbrowser.loadGraph, graphbrowser.loadEntities, graphbrowser.exportGraphAsAnxFile, graphbrowser.organicLayout, graphbrowser.sequentialLayout, graphbrowser.lensLayout, graphbrowser.structuralLayout, graphbrowser.tweakLayout,, graphbrowser.invertNodesSelection, graphbrowser.extendNodesSelection
Changed signature of following methods
graphBrowser.expandSelectedNodes() to graphBrowser.expandSelectedNodes({ mode, nodesLimitOverride })
graphBrowser.addDocumentsFromDashboard(dashboardId) to graphBrowser.addDocumentsFromDashboard({ dashboardId, limit, modalOption })
graphBrowser.addDocumentsByQuery(index, query) to graphBrowser.addDocumentsByQuery({ searchId, query })
scriptedPanelVis.getHtmlCheckboxInputElement(name, label, checked) to scriptedPanelVis.getHtmlCheckboxInputElement(name, label, onChange, checked)
scriptedPanelVis.getHtmlTextInputElement and scriptedPanelVis.getHtmlNumberInputElement now accepts an
parameter. -
passed to scriptedPanelVis.getInteractiveTable method now accept a booleanimageUrlField
(default: false) andmaxWidth
(default: '100px') to render the field value as an image (
Investigate 11.0.0
Core API
Fixed a bug where dashboard.getTime was not returning current time
Added new methods dashboard.getSavedQueryString, dashboard.getSavedFilters, dashboard.getSavedTime, graphBrowserVisualization.expand, scriptedPanelVisualization.getComboBox
Breaking change - Fixed a bug where browser APIs and libraries like Lodash where available in script context, now they have to be whitelisted in the investigate.yml