A record-as-relation is a way of setting up a relation between two or more entity tables using a central entity table. The records-as-relations you create are available in the Relations pop-out alongside the simple relations, in the Linked tab of a Record Viewer, and in the Relational Navigator.
You can assign a manual label or use field values as labels for records-as-relations. In the Record Viewer’s Linked tab and in the Graph Browser’s Relations pop-out, records-as-relations that use field values as a label appear under the [*] expandable list. Those that have a manually defined label, appear under that label.
Creating records-as-relations
To create a record as relation, complete the following steps:
Go to the Data model app and select the entity table.
Go to the Relations tab and click Create a record as relation.
Click Add incoming relations, select the relation, and click Add.
Click Add outgoing relations, select the relation, and click Add.
Scroll down to name the relation.
Optional: If the relation label can be the same in both directions, disable Directed relation and choose one relation name.
Select the relation name.
To use a field value as the name, in Direct relation name, select a field. The Inverse relation name is automatically generated.
To enter a custom name, enable Define name manually and enter a name for both the Direct relation name and Inverse relation name.
Note: If you use fields as labels, the field value of the central table is the relation name.
Optional: Enable Use the default label as a edge label to use that label when the record-as-relation is used as an edge on the graph.
Click Save.