Date formats in fields
If you are creating or editing a record and the date or time format you enter is not accepted, contact your system administrator. The format might have been customized during the data import process. |
In spreadsheets, it is common to see a wide variety of date and time formats. Sometimes, they are based on one of the default ISO formats, such as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
Siren Investigate supports the Elasticsearch built-in formats to parse date and time values. For more information, see the Elasticsearch documentation.
However, some spreadsheets use date formats that are not based on a default.
Defining an advanced mapping
If you are creating a new entity table and importing data, you can overcome this issue by specifying the date format you want to use.
If you are importing data into an existing entity table, you can transform the content of a date field by applying a field script. For more information, see Field script examples. |
On the Define structure screen, browse for the fields that contain a date or time.
Select Date from the Type dropdown menu and select Define advanced mapping.
Enter a custom mapping expression in JSON syntax. For example:
{ "format": "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" }
Set the same custom mapping expression for all other fields that contain dates.
This affects the date format that is accepted when records are created or edited in the Record Viewer panel. If users are not aware of the custom date format, it is important to advise them of this customization to help them avoid errors. |
Formatting conventions for date and time
The following table contains information to help you construct most date- and time-based custom mappings.
For more detailed information, see DateTimeFormatter in the Java documentation.
Ensure you use the correct case (upper or lower) for each symbol, as the meaning can vary with the case. |
All letters 'A' to 'Z' and 'a' to 'z' are reserved as pattern letters. The following pattern letters are defined:
Symbol | Meaning | Presentation | Examples |
G |
era |
text |
AD; Anno Domini; A |
u |
year |
year |
2004; 04 |
y |
year-of-era |
year |
2004; 04 |
D |
day-of-year |
day |
189 |
M/L |
month-of-year |
number/text |
7; 07; Jul; July; J |
d |
day-of-month |
number |
10 |
Q/q |
quarter-of-year |
number/text |
3; 03; Q3; 3rd quarter |
Y |
week-based-year |
year |
1996; 96 |
w |
week-of-week-based-year |
number |
27 |
W |
week-of-month |
number |
4 |
E |
day-of-week |
test |
Tue; Tuesday; T |
e/c |
localized day-of-week |
number/text |
2; 02; Tue; Tuesday; T |
F |
week-of-month |
number |
3 |
a |
am-pm-of-day |
text |
PM |
h |
clock-hour-of-am-pm (1-12) |
number |
12 |
k |
hour-of-am-pm (0-11) |
number |
0 |
K |
clock-hour-of-am-pm (1-24) |
number |
0 |
H |
hour-of-day (0-23) |
number |
0 |
m |
minute-of-hour |
number |
30 |
s |
second-of-minute |
number |
55 |
S |
fraction-of-second |
fraction |
978 |
A |
milli-of-day |
number |
1234 |
n |
nano-of-second |
number |
987654321 |
N |
nano-of-day |
number |
1234000000 |
V |
time-zone ID |
zone-id |
America/Los_Angeles; Z; -08:30 |
z |
time-zone name |
zone-name |
Pacific Standard Time; PST |
O |
localized zone-offset |
offset-O |
GMT+8; GMT+08:00; UTC-08:00; |
X |
zone-offset 'Z' for zero |
offset-X |
Z; -08; -0830; -08:30; -083015; -08:30:15; |
x |
zone-offset |
offset-x |
+0000; -08; -0830; -08:30; -083015; -08:30:15; |
Z |
zone-offset |
offset-Z |
+0000; -0800; -08:00; |
p |
pad next |
pad modifier |
1 |
' |
escape for text |
delimiter |
'' |
single quote |
literal |
' |
[ |
optional section start |
] |
optional section end |
# |
Reserved for future use |
\{ |
Reserved for future use |
} |
Reserved for future use |