Release notes



  • The demo data bundle on Windows now correctly ignores the JAVA_HOME environment variable and uses the bundled Java to start Elasticsearch unless the user specifies the ES_JAVA_HOME environment variable.

  • When switching out of the dashboard app, the unsaved graph modal now warns users about graphs they may not have permission to save.

  • Added the Hide group level with no data option to the advanced settings of the Timeline visualization. When set together with Groups rendered on separate levels option, the groups with no data aren’t rendered.

  • Improved the performance of sirenapi.Collection.addCollectionRecords by fetching only the relevant fields from Elasticsearch.

  • Global search requests are now being audited.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused an unsaved changes modal to appear when navigating away from an Entity table without making changes.

  • Fixed a bug caused by filtering linked entities to a dashboard when the join field has large values.

  • Fixed a bug where the highlight would not work as expected on multiline labels.

  • Fixed an issue where editing existing aggregated relations wouldn’t affect expansions.

  • Fixed a bug where record editing would not consider dataspace permissions.

  • Fixed an issue where an error would be thrown when moving objects to the private dashboard group on no security platforms.

  • Fixed a bug where setting a pinned filter would not update counts of dashboards that were in collapsed groups.

  • Fixed an issue where editing a pinned filter made it disappear.

  • Fixed a bug where some APIs to control Siren Investigate from an external app were wrongly moved to sirenapi.

  • Fixed a bug where the drop message would be displayed even when the dashboard is dropped outside the drop area.

  • Fixed an issue where the edit and delete actions on the dataspaces manager weren’t available for users with proper permissions.

  • Fixed a bug in dev console where a query containing a multiline string would throw an error on Windows OS.

  • Fixed a bug where the Search Guard schema was wrongly set to exclude_index_permissions.excluded_actions.

  • Fixed a bug where an incorrect count of an applied dynamic filter was shown after switching dataspaces.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Siren Search bookmarking when using date range filters.

Graph browser

  • Fixed an issue where canceling updates on an edited card would save the changes instead.

  • Fixed an issue where disabling the map would not show all hidden nodes.

  • Fixed a bug where the highlight would not restore correctly after refresh.

  • Fixed an issue where using keyboard shortcuts would also trigger the graph’s shortcuts if the focus was on the selection table filter input.

  • Fixed an issue where the image on a node would not resize correctly.

  • Fixed a bug where Siren Investigate would throw an error when a graph object was missing.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented dashboards from loading when a graph is set as the default dashboard in the advanced settings.

  • Fixed an issue where the graph timeline would reveal nodes contained in closed groups.

  • Fixed the appearance of the lock icon when switching the sharing mode for graph objects in the dashboard.

  • Fixed an issue where the undo button would remain enabled with no undo operations remaining.

  • Fixed a bug where the restore style button on the style menu wouldn’t get enabled after a style was applied.

  • Fixed an issue where text boxes were counted as nodes in the selection table.

Security fixes


New features

Shared and Private groups

Complex relations

  • Relations can now be constructed to enable requests which take advantage of Siren Federate’s extended join condition syntax and multi-conditional joins. See Complex relations.

Range type fields

Records from Script

  • Added the Collection class to the Siren API.

  • Introduced the sirenapi.Collection.addCollectionRecords method which adds records from a script to a saved graph. See API docs and Scripting examples.

Dynamic filters

Local nodes and edges

  • The graph browser now has the capability to add local nodes and edges. See Local nodes and the 'Create' section of Action Settings .


  • Added the ability to filter fields when exporting the table content.

  • Improved the speed of the standard layout in the graph browser by up to 10x.

  • Added a Dataspace class to sirenAPI which provides methods to get the current dataspace, available dataspaces, and a method to swap between them.

Graph browser

  • Added an option to disable the default map desaturation.

  • The graph browser now considers empty strings as valid values.

  • Added the ability to change the icon color for nodes.

  • Added the ability to change the edge style.

  • Edited labels will now ignore the configured maximum length for better visibility.

  • Added the ability to change the border color for nodes and textboxes.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the DSL query in the filter editor would not get updated when changing the corresponding filter values.

  • Fixed a bug where config objects were not visible in the Saved Objects page.

  • Fixed an issue where the pin/unpin bulk filter action would not correctly change the state of all filters.

  • Fixed a bug where dynamic filters would show even if there were no results.

  • Fixed an issue where the dynamic filter pane contents were misaligned when the counts were being loaded.

  • Fixed an issue where Dashboard 360 visualizations incorrectly reported no results.

  • Fixed a bug where the labels in the Graph Browser visualization were not highlighted with the selected color.

  • Fixed a bug where the relation counts were inaccurate in some cases.

  • Fixed an issue where the formatters were not applied to edge labels resulting from aggregated relations.

  • Fixed an issue where restoring the icon would restore all properties of the selected items on the Graph Browser visualization.

  • Fixed a bug where the dashboard page wouldn’t load when switching back after deleting a graph in another session.

Security fixes

Known issues

  • If you are using Federate 35.0 with Elasticsearch version 8.13.2 or later, you must set the highlighting to plain for all Entity Tables. To do this, go to Data model, select an Entity Table, click the Options tab, and select plain in Highlighting. Do this for each Entity Table.

  • The permission indices:monitor/settings/get must be granted to be able to make a sub selection of records in the collection selection modal opened by calling sirenapi.Collection.addCollectionRecords

  • indices.id_field_data.enabled should be set to true on Elasticsearch versions 8.0.0 or later to be able to render the correct record labels inside the collection selection modal.